what we do

Our unique Solution

Treats male infertility by activating non-motile sperm, and optimizing Sperm Preparation.

A Major Problem

1 in 6 couples, 50-90 million globally, will experience infertility in their lives. The desire to conceive is one of the strongest emotions. The WHO ranks infertility the 5th highest serious global disability. Although male infertility is as common as female infertility, there is no direct treatment for the male partner. Only available current treatment involves IVF/ICSI on woman. However, IVF/ICSI is not broadly available, is extremely costly, is invasive, causes physical and emotional distress and carries risks for mother and child. For these reasons only 3-5% of couples with fertility issues get any form of treatment.

What do infertile couples really need?

An effective first-line treatment

Pregnancy rates need to be comparable to high-end procedures by treating male infertility directly Broad access to and simplified treatment: Male infertility treatment should be performed by practice-based gynaecologists with a simple, safe and easy to use procedure

An affordable first-line treatment

An attractive cost/benefit ratio needs to be offered to infertile couples, gynaecologists and health insurers; to achieve a financial „win-win“ situation

Reduced risks for mother and child

Offer a more natural and safer choice. Women should no longer bear the risk and distress of treatment regardless of cause and reduce risk of long-term side effects for children.

Our Unique Solution

Male Infertility

Treats male infertility by activating non-motile sperm, and optimising sperm preparation. Our patent-protected technology improves sperm swimming ability (motility) up to normal level. Restores normal energy metabolism in minutes. Predicted average pregnancy success rates in enhanced IUI can be increased into the region of 25-30% per treatment (same as IVF without the disadvantages at a fraction of IVF cost).

It is a totally integrated, easy-to-operate system of sperm activation and separation which fits seamlessly into the normal practice of fertility clinics or ordinary gynaecology practices and requires no special skills for its application so that any gynaecologist could administer the treatment